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The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the way that people live. From distance learning and remote work to online grocery shopping, digital technology has been a beneficial channel for staying connected in an era of social distancing. We at Sprinterra put together some information that could be useful in current pandemic time.

Not surprisingly, many tech companies have stepped up to bridge the gap and help society during this trying time.

Notable examples include the development of online health screening tools to offload demand and in-person visits to emergency rooms and physician’s offices. 

Several tech companies offer interactive COVID-19 screening tools for symptoms and links to other information regarding the virus. 

Instead of putting yourself and others at risk of exposure, their self-screening tools have users answer a few questions about their symptoms and suggest further steps. 

As you can imagine, having wellness tools available during a time when the healthcare industry is under pressure helps to provide peace of mind and guidance for the next steps you should take.

Healthcare Technology Reduces Risks For All

Headquartered in the heart of New York City, Sprinterra is intimately familiar with how COVID-19 infections have impacted people in our neighborhood, and the world around us. 

We’re incredibly proud of working with Wanda Health as a technical and development partner. As a telehealth provider, Wanda Health provides online symptom screening and remote care management for patients and clients vulnerable to COVID-19 infections. Our combined efforts have helped reduce the risks of potential exposure for medical care providers and patients alike.

Telehealth Is The Way Of The Future

Their multimodal telehealth platform follows the symptom guidelines for Coronavirus established by the CDC, integrating proactive screening and care management. Caregivers and patients alike reduce risk by eliminating the need to break social distancing recommendations. Clinical staff practicing self-isolation or working from a remote location pose less risk to others. 

Advanced features and functionality of the platform include delivering personalized and automated daily health checks to patients using interactive voice response, landlines, text messaging, and the CareLink App. The COVID-19 Telehealth Screening program proactively screens for underlying signs of symptoms common with the virus. Further, the health management program assists physicians to stay in contact with patients, regardless of whether COVID-19 symptoms or infection are suspected. 

This system can get used in whole, or in part to diagnose, monitor, and provide care for those suffering from COVID-19 symptoms or other health concerns that make visits to a doctor’s office or an emergency room a threat. 

Wanda has recently experienced rapid deployment across several healthcare providers to assist them in COVID-19 screening. Just in time delivery from our organization assisted in streamlining secure healthcare.

Sprinterra Helps You Stay Healthy

At Sprinterra, we care about the health and wellbeing of all. We’re proud of the honor and the opportunity to assist our frontline caregivers in their fight against Coronavirus. 

Contact us today for more information on healthcare or other software solutions that empower your company or organization.

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