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Help Us Save Lives: The Urgent Need for Medical Aid in Ukraine

gitl flag ukraine

NINE HUNDRED DAYS and couting… That is how long Ukraine has been enduring relentless aggression from Russia since February 24, 2022. Over 900 days of non-stop bombing and fighting. Sitting in the comfort and safety of our American homes and offices, it is difficult to even imagine what people in Ukraine are going through every […]

500 Days of Resilience: Sprinterra’s Commitment Beyond Borders


It’s been over 500 days of relentless bombardment of Ukrainian cities and villages. Five hundred sleepless nights, filled with uncertainty and families torn apart. The world has watched as the extraordinary resilience of the Ukrainian spirit stands tall in the face of unimaginable aggression from a neighbor. As a company deeply committed to our people, […]

Sprinterra Leadership: Nataliia Iashchuk, Chief Delivery Officer

Team work

An Integral Pillar of Sprinterra Nataliia stands tall as a pivotal figure in Sprinterra’s Leadership. With over 18 years of industry experience, Ms. Iashchuk’s passion for results is evident in the way she seamlessly coordinates intricate project plans and executes strategies. Prior to joining Sprinterra, GlobalLogic benefited from Nataliia’s unwavering dedication and skills. Nataliia holds […]



  At the core of Sprinterra are our Ukraine team members, who show extraordinary stamina as they carry on with their work duties, running zoom meetings from the bomb shelters and, hours later, volunteering or helping their kids with homework. Dear friends, your courage and dignity are inspiring.     The Ukrainian nation’s incredible bravery […]